The Crabs of Lamu

The crabs of Lamu kept us company and provided some surprising entertainment during our visit. This is why.

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You Are Not Alone

Although Lamu Island was void of tourists while we were visiting, we definitely weren’t alone. Minutes after enjoying my morning coffee and swaying in my awesome Kizingo Lodge swing bed I spied a donkey grazing around the corner. I quickly grabbed my camera and I made my way to the exit only to be met by another donkey, who appeared to be as surprised to see me as I was to see him.


Of course, donkeys were nothing new to us or the Island of Lamu. We met more than a few while touring Lamu town, a place that relies on these jackasses for transportation and as workhorses. We also met a few playful dolphins. What was new to us was the crabs of Lamu, the crawling kind of guest we had in our banda every night.

All the Crabs 

Sand crabs and hermit crabs aplenty. These cute and odd creatures kept us company at night, and if not company at least on our toes. They scattered across the walkways at Kizingo Lodge, played in the surf, and hid in their shells. They even entered our room by crawling up the walls. If you looked at them, they would freeze and only walk when you break eye contact. Think “Boo” from Super Mario Bros. Hilarious.

With that here is a short and fun look at the crabs of Lamu, including a little video of a very shy hermit crab.

Crabs of Lamu
Crabs of Lamu
Crabs of Lamu

And the Shy Crabs of Lamu

Not all Crabs of Lamu were so bold to climb into our room. Check out this video of a very timid hermit crab. Watch in HD (gear wheel in the bottom corner!) and be sure to catch the last 10 seconds!

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My Crabs of Lamu experience was made possible by Kizingo Lodge and the The Safari Partners through a travel professional educational trip. Although my trip was discounted, the experience, opinions, and crustacean fasciation is my own.


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